Premium Harmonic Intraday FXTrading Charts for 11/28/2014


Note***  Due to Thanksgiving holiday and my traveling plans, the next intraday analysis is planned for December 1, 2014, providing there’s no unforeseen issues like internet, etc at my destination. A video on using the levels: A video on … Continue reading

Premium Harmonic EOD Trading Charts for 11/26/2014


Note***  Due to Thanksgiving holiday and my traveling plans, the next end of day analysis is planned for December 1, 2014, providing there’s no unforeseen issues like internet, etc at my destination. A video on using the levels: A … Continue reading

Premium Harmonic Intraday Trading Charts for 11/26/2014


Note***  Due to Thanksgiving holiday and my traveling plans, the next intraday analysis is planned for December 1, 2014, providing there’s no unforeseen issues like internet, etc at my destination. A video on using the levels: A video on … Continue reading